vada pav girl

According to police reports, Chandrika Dixit, affectionately dubbed as the “Vada Pav Girl,” has been operating a food stall in the Mongolpuri locality for several months.

A recent series of viral videos depicting a vada pav girl arguement with police in Outer Delhi prompted an official statement from the Delhi police, emphasizing that the vendor faced no arrest, and no formal case has been lodged against her.

Popularly known as “Vada Pav Girl,” Chandrika Dixit has been managing her food stall in the Mongolpuri locality for several months, as per police reports. The incident in question unfolded when Dixit shared a video capturing a heated exchange between herself and locals while she was arranging a community feast, or bhandara, near her stall.

Police authorities highlighted that Dixit’s stall lacked the requisite permission from municipal authorities and was attracting substantial crowds, both physically and online. This surge in foot traffic was causing congestion and traffic disruptions in the vicinity, they clarified.

Residents’ complaints about traffic congestion following Dixit’s roadside bhandara prompted police intervention. Upon reaching the scene, officials alleged that Dixit exhibited inappropriate behavior towards them. Consequently, her stall was temporarily confiscated, and she was escorted to the police station.

vada pav girl

Importantly, it was stressed by the DCP Outer Delhi that no formal charges were pressed against Dixit, and she was not subjected to arrest.

Chandrika Dixit, widely acknowledged for her street food endeavors, runs a highly popular Vada Pav stall in Delhi, amassing a significant following of over 300,000 on Instagram. Her journey to prominence further gained attention when she emotionally recounted a phone conversation with a representative from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), alleging threats of stall removal.