MDMK leader Durai Vaiko has pinpointed the illegal leasing of fireworks units at inflated prices as the primary cause of fatal accidents. After visiting workers injured in a recent fire incident on May 9 at the Sri Sudarshan Fireworks unit in Sengamalapatti, Vaiko addressed reporters on Sunday, drawing attention to the concerning pattern. He expressed deep concern over the tragic loss of 28 lives due to explosions within the district over the past four months.

The unlawful practice of leasing units at exorbitant rates forces lessees to flout safety regulations, surpassing the permitted number of workers and stockpiling chemicals beyond acceptable limits, resulting in devastating fatalities.

durai vaiko

Durai Vaiko urged authorities to take stringent action against both license holders and lessees, calling for the implementation of the Goondas Act against offenders. He stressed that the violation of safety protocols by a few establishments not only endangers lives but also stains the reputation of the entire fireworks industry. Thus, he underscored the critical importance of adhering to safety regulations mandated by both state and central governments.

Furthermore,durai Vaiko called upon government agencies to ensure strict compliance with safety measures in fireworks units to prevent further loss of lives. Accompanying him were former party MP Sippiparai A. Ravichandran, Sattur MLA A.R.R. Raghuraman, and Virudhunagar district secretaries V. Ravichandran and Velmurugan.


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